30 Interesting Information About Dogs

Dogs love people from the moment they are born. The only animal that came into the world in this way is the dog.

So even if you don't show intimacy with the dogs, they have already embraced you. Your new dog has adopted your smell from the moment you feel that you are the owner. It prefers to sleep on your belongings especially in the places it is located. Your scent will soothe him.
The newly separated dog sees the owner as his closest friend. If you help dogs to control their behavior, there will be no reason for them not to be your loyal friends.

Very friendly dogs with people. Besides their friendship, people use them for many purposes.

We shared interesting and amazing information about dogs in this article. You will be surprised when you learn the facts about dogs.

Friendly dogs

The sense of smell is very developed. They can perceive and distinguish thousands of times better than people. With these abilities, they can find missing people.

Police dogs can find dangerous substances through special training. Trained dogs can also be the best friend and helper of disabled or blind people.

Police dog breeds, k9

Just like humans, they can train dogs and improve their skills. The most difficult of these trainings is K9. K9 dogs are hard to find and very expensive.

Dogs who have been living with people for thousands of years are probably the most useful and helpful to shepherds.

In cold climates, dogs help people by pulling sledges. Such cold climate dogs can travel 150 km a day.

Dogs Live: Almost anywhere in the world as pets and wilds.

Characteristics: A carnivorous mammal with sharp odor and hearing ability. It has found fame with its loyalty to its owner.

Lifespan: 15-20 years.

Varieties: There are more than 100 dog breeds of different sizes and appearance. Sheepdog, hunting dog, bulldog, police dog, Saint Bernard dogs are famous.

30 Practical Information about Dogs

1. Scan the hairs. Most dogs like to be brushed. By brushing your dog, you ensure that your fur is healthy and a bond develops between you.

Dog Grooming

2. Dogs also get cold. Just because your dog has a fur doesn't mean it can withstand standing outside in cold weather. Don't leave him in the yard without a shack.

3. Dress up. Small dogs and hairless breeds should be dressed in cold weather.

4. Take your time. Take some time to take your dog for long walks every day. Let him go out at least twice a day.

5. Training is a must, if you give orders with hand gestures and gestures while training your dog, it will be easier to learn.

Dog Training

6. Do not remove the collar. Your dog's collar should always be on your neck. The collar must contain the name, owner's name and contact information.

7. Requires your attention. You have to spend a lot of time for your dog to connect to you.

8. Fight fleas. In order for your dog to live a life free from fleas, you should not be surprised by your veterinarian's care plan.

9. When using a metal container Metal water containers can freeze outside in winter and your dog's tongue may stick to the container; in the summer, it can become extremely hot and burn your dog's tongue.

10. Dogs may perceive smile as an indicator of aggression because you show your teeth.

11. Puppies are born blind, deaf and toothless.

Puppies are born blind

12. Dalmatian dogs are completely white when they are born, with black spots later.

13. Plato, the ancient Greek thinker, said, "Dogs have the spirit of a philosopher."

14. Loving dogs has been shown to lower blood pressure.

15. According to a study, 338242% of the dog owners said that they talked to their dogs on the phone or left a message on the answering machine.

16. Dogs have the intelligence of a 2-3 year old child.

17. Dogs can learn between 150 and 200 words and memorize hand gestures, which are the same as words.

18. Dogs have about 1700 taste organs in their tongue. In humans, this number is approximately 9,000.

19. The tip of dogs' noses is wet so that they can smell small chemical droplets in the air.

20. Dogs smell 1000 times better than humans. Humans smell cells for 5 million, while dogs for 2,200.

Dogs smell

21. If the owner shakes his arms, a dog can easily identify him from a mile away.

22. A female dog and her puppies can give 4,372 pups within seven years.

23. Dogs have been living with people for more than 14,000 years. In cats it has been around 7,000 years.

24. Dogs perceive colors in a similar way to a color-blind person. His eyes see better when the lights are dim.

25. Dogs are more likely to chase and hunt when they are in flock. Two dogs are enough to be a flock.

26. Nose marks of dogs are like fingerprints in humans and are used to identify them.

Nose marks of dogs

27. The United States is the country with the largest dog population in the world; France comes second.

28. It is thought that there are about 400 million dogs in the world.

29. A dog uses more than 188242 muscles to move his ear.

30. Touch is the first sensation developed by dogs. Their entire body, including paws, is covered with touch-sensitive nerve endings.


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